Tsui Chee Kui Joseph
Landscape Paintings
05/09/2017 - 02/12/2017
The exhibition features 30 landscape paintings by local artist Tsui Chee Kui Joseph. Ranging from the 1970s to 1990s, they depict dazzling views of Hong Kong and mainland China. The artist likes to divide objects into geometric blocks of different colours to render semi-abstract scene, establishing a unique and interesting style.
Message from director
A design can be viewed as a painting and conversely a painting can be deemed creative design. Undoubtedly both are art. Where they differ lies in the process. A painter produces what he prefers whereas a designer works under a commission.
Tsui Chee Kui Joseph is a painter rather than a designer, but his work has a strong design flavour. When he does life-sketching, he selects particular aspects of the view in front and composes accordingly. Hence his work is the outcome of designing an actual scene.
Tsui also likes to divide objects into perspectives to express varying shades, colouring each deeply or lightly. Further, he uses contrasting tones to heighten the colours. The colour blocks together look like a pattern. The resulting painting is vividly three-dimensional.
Apart from the design characteristic, Tsui’s work also has a touch of traditional Chinese painting because of his skilful manipulation of empty space.
Clearly, Tsui has a unique style and his creativity commands admiration.
YEUNG Chun Tong