Sun Museum
Oil Painting Collection
05/09/2017 - 02/12/2017

Oil is a traditional medium from the West. It became a mainstream in the art sector of China in the 20th Century. However, this foundation work is losing its popularity in Hong Kong. The exhibition features 22 local oil paintings. All are from the Sun Museum collection. We hope to inherit and promote this traditional art as well as acknowledge the achievement of local artists.
Sun Museum: Oil Painting Collection
Established in May 2015, Sun Museum had no art collection of its own. By August 2017, 13 exhibitions of works on loan have been held. In the past two years, the Museum commenced cultivating its own collection, targeting oil paintings by current local artists.
In late Ming dynasty, missionaries from the West brought oil paintings into China. The art skilled at conveying light and shade was not favoured by emperors who viewed such expression inauspicious. Consequently there was no great support of oil painting in China until the 19th Century, Qing period. Oil paintings were adapted with themes on Chinese customs, to meet the taste of Caucasian tourists. The works became gifts for export.
In the 20th Century, many celebrated Chinese artists having completed their studies in Europe returned. They established oil painting as a mainstream in the art sector.
In Hong Kong, ink painting has always been the main force with oil painting gaining very little traction. Sun Museum, advocate of Western traditional art like oil painting, water-colour and pencil-sketching, firmly believes that these foundation work should be inherited and promoted. With the support of local artists, the Museum has collected 22 works. We sincerely hope that this collection will grow as testament to the development and a promising future of Hong Kong oil painting.
Please support Sun Museum in its work for art and culture!
YEUNG Chun Tong